Friday, August 11, 2006

MN Fringe Blog: My 8 year old's comments

My 8 year old's comments
Sunday, August 6, 2006 at 4:54 PM
Filed under kids fringe

Well, my 8 year old has now seen 4 shows this weekend. He would like to rate them. In order, from most favorite to least favorite-here are his picks.

1. The Prince of Fun! Presents the Adventures of Gallant Lad. I liked it because I got to participate with him. It was so hilarious. For example, everytime he introduces the princess he says "bllllllthp" for the first name.

2. Illinois Jane. A close second. Also hilarious. Just bring your kids they'll laugh out loud. I did.

3. Cinderella. I liked all of the funny stuff. It was different than I expected. I liked the "eye-pod" gag. The actors were also good.

4. Kill the Robot. I didn't like this one. It's way intense. I suggest only 13 year olds should see this. But I did like the part whenever one character said "time machine" music blasted. I thought the music was cool.

It's so great to be at the fringe because you might see some plays you'd love.

—Wendy Gennaula


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Posted August 7, 2006 at 1:09 AM by Clint Jackson Baker (aka The Prince of Fun!)
Both your reviews are most kind. Thank you.

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