Monday, January 28, 2008

A new generation? My generation...

Here's Obama's South Carolina Acceptance Speech:

I'm impressed by this speech. I'm impressed that he referred to the other democratic candidates as "my worthy opponents." My impression is that Obama does not always come off well during interviews or debates. But when I hear speeches like his it does remind me of the great speeches I've heard of FDR or JFK.

They talk of a "New Generation". Like myself Obama was born during the 1st half of the 60's. Are we the tail end of the baby boom or the beginning of Generation X? To be honest, I think neither. I do sense a difference of priorities with Obama than with older candidates.

He knows how to make a great speech. Somehow I don't think Dave Letterman's "Great Moments in Presidential Speeches" will work (or be necessary) with a President Obama.

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