Sunday, October 14, 2007

God bless St. Nick

Here's a link to Nick Coleman's piece on the Bishop Tutu dust up at St. Thomas. It is a pity that Ann Coulter got to speak there without a prior question, but Bishop Tutu gets uninvited and then re-invited.

My childhood memories of being Catholic involve "throw[ing] open the windows of the Church" to paraphrase Pope John XXIII. Unfortunately the zeitgeist now seems to be one of a bunker mentality where the question is "are you Catholic enough to be in the bunker." Throwing open to the windows did not mean welcoming someone who speaks hate as well as Ann Coulter. I hope the re-invitation perhaps reflects a willingness to open the bunker doors and see what is around. (Something that St. Nick points out has a tradition at the University of St. Thomas.)

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