Saturday, February 21, 2009

Busy Saturday

We woke up to about 3 inches of snow this morning. Tommy and I slept in even though we were the first that needed to leave for his piano lesson. Wendy and Tony were already up. We were a bit late for the lesson, but the lesson went well. Then my Tommy happened to suggest that stopping for breakfast at "The Egg and I" might be a good idea. How could I say no. I love taking him to the one on Lyndale Ave. I told him it reminds me of when I was a kid and my father would take me with him in the morning to run errands on a Saturday and we would end up at a good place for eggs along the way. Later Tommy and I went to see "The Gruffalo" at the Children's Theatre. It is really intended for younger kids, but both Tommy and I had a great time.

While we out for that Tony talked Wendy into taking him to Burger King and Target--so he was a happy camper. Tommy and I got back and I finally got the walks cleared and then stayed in for the night. Tonight is a snow emergency so the cars are parked in the right places so they won't get towed. All in all it was a nice day.

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