Sunday, December 07, 2008

Denny Hecker almost killed my shredding machine

Denny Hecker (the famous Twin Cities Denny Hecker who just recently closed a whole bunch of his auto dealerships and laid off 400 people just before the Holidays) almost killed my shredding machine. I'm paying my youngest $5 to shred junk mail. One of the junk mails had a small thin metal key in it. I probably would have stuffed it into the shredder without really looking at it too. (To be honest, it probably should have just been thrown away, but somehow it got put in the shredding pile.) And the ^#$&@#$ key got jammed. A pair of plyers did the trick to saving the shredder.

I never got a good feeling about the Denny Hecker dealerships--and this just adds to that feeling.

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