Tuesday, September 09, 2008

The bully who cries "they're being mean to me."

Obama points out that saying the McCain ticket will be an agent of change is like "putting lipstick on a pig". Of course McCain can't stand this, so his camp has to twist it into "They are saying mean things about Palin--calling her a pig."

Nice try at trying to twist words--but not true. I guess they have to try to distract people since they are running on style, not ideas. Obama is NOT calling anyone a pig. However, he is calling their track record of voting with Bush swine-like. I find that fair.

Wow--McCain/Palin seems to be pretty thin-skinned for claiming to be so tough.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Right on Chris.
They have to twist things to get attention...and to deter others from facts like McCain admitted yesterday, that he kissed up to Bush's announcement that we will only send 8000 troops home by next Feb...prolonging the war is high on McCain/Palin ticket. They should paint lipstick on the elephant while they are at it :)