Sunday, June 08, 2008

The Week in Review

I have to get better at cleaning out my list of interesting links for the week. I'm going to try doing this every Sunday where I just go through my list of links from the week that I want to blog about. Here's the set for this first week:
  1. - Mpls. Motorists Restricted To Idling For 3 Minutes

    HUH? It takes only a minute to warm up a car in the winter? Not in MN. Although the intention may be good (save gas), this is a stupid law--over regulation at it's worse.

  2. E. J. Dionne Jr. - For an 'Obamacon,' Communion Denied -

    A priest denies communion because a Catholic has publicly said they support Obama--who is pro-choice.

    This is wrong. Yes. A priest is wrong. And the bishops are wrong too.

  3. Harold Perrineau Dishes on his Lost Exit (Again) - Celebrity and Entertainment News |

    Perrineau claims Michael not reconnecting with Walt is a stereotype. But on LOST all the sons have Daddy issues.
  4. Bill Clinton: 'Cover up' hiding Hillary Clinton's chances -

    This just reinforces the idea of Clinton as the Democratic candidate of fear. What is with Bill? It is unfortunate that the Clintons choose this route. But to be honest this type of talk is a big part of the reason I chose to support Obama.

  5. Spirit in the House » The Diary of Adam and Eve

    Before seeing it: What a great cast! I bet this is going to be excellent!

    After seeing it: It was a great cast. This is not my favorite show, but the skill of the performers saved the hour for me. Would I go out of my way to see this show again? Probably not.

  6. Mother of autistic teen gets symbolic support as she prepares for court

  7. Excluded?: On Keeping the Faith

    These past two links address the integration of individuals with autism within society. For the most part I think we have found a balance with this, but I have been to public events which I thought went OK. A day later I find that someone had complained that one of my boys had supposedly touched (or bumped or hit into) someone else when I was gone for a moment (leaving him in care of someone I completely trust). Nothing was said to me at the time when I returned, and the comment at times gotten back to me after passing through 4 other people. It is still frustrating.
  8. Study Suggests Math Teachers Scrap Balls and Slices - New York Times

    I've seen this issue at work with my own kids. I always think the word problems were designed by English majors, not math majors.

  9. THE Tunnel Project

    Great article about new tunnels for railroad into NYC. Great follow-up for reading Conquering Gotham.
  10. Psychoanalysis Helps Kids With Autism, Researchers Say Psychoanalysis Should Be Part of Treatment for Children With Autism - CBS News

    Sounds great at beginning, but there is a hint of "blame the parent" in here.

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